A dataset containing social and environmental data for the Iris of Lyon (France)
A SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with 506 rows and 32 variables:
a simple OID (integer)
the code of each commune (factor)
the code of each unit area : iris (factor)
the annual daily mean noise exposure values in dB (numeric)
the annual mean of NO2 concentration in ug/m3 (numeric)
the annual mean of PM25 concentration in ug/m3 (numeric)
the annual mean of PM25 concentration in ug/m3 (numeric)
the percentage of people that are 0 to 14 year old (numeric)
the percentage of people older than 64 (numeric)
the percentage immigrants (numeric)
the unemployment rate (numeric)
the percentage of people that obtained the college diploma (numeric)
the median standard of living in euros (numeric)
the percentage of the iris surface covered by trees (numeric)
the X coordinate of the center of the Iris (numeric)
the Y coordinate of the center of the Iris (numeric)