Check that the obtained groups are stable by bootstrap with multicore support
nsim = 1000,
maxiter = 1000,
tol = 0.01,
init = "random",
verbose = TRUE,
seed = NULL
A FCMres object, typically obtained from functions CMeans, GCMeans, SFCMeans, SGFCMeans
The number of replications to do for the bootstrap evaluation
An integer for the maximum number of iterations
The tolerance criterion used in the evaluateMatrices function for convergence assessment
A string indicating how the initial centres must be selected. "random" indicates that random observations are used as centres. "kpp" use a distance based method resulting in more dispersed centres at the beginning. Both of them are heuristic.
A boolean to specify if the progress bar should be displayed.
An integer to control randomness, default is NULL
A list of two values: group_consistency: a dataframe indicating the consistency across simulations each cluster ; group_centres: a list with a dataframe for each cluster. The values in the dataframes are the centres of the clusters at each simulation.
For more details, see the documentation of the function boot_group_validation
if (FALSE) {
#selecting the columns for the analysis
AnalysisFields <-c("Lden","NO2","PM25","VegHautPrt","Pct0_14",
#rescaling the columns
Data <- sf::st_drop_geometry(LyonIris[AnalysisFields])
for (Col in names(Data)){
Data[[Col]] <- as.numeric(scale(Data[[Col]]))
Cmean <- CMeans(Data,4,1.5,500,standardize = FALSE, seed = 456,
tol = 0.00001, verbose = FALSE)
validation <- boot_group_validation.mc(Cmean, nsim = 1000, maxiter = 1000,
tol = 0.01, init = "random")
## make sure any open connections are closed afterward
if (!inherits(future::plan(), "sequential")) future::plan(future::sequential)